ISL 2020 Referees : Everybody Blames but who's actually made the mess?


"The trouble with referees is that they know the rules, but they do not know the game"

Is it true? How is the state of affairs of Referees currently in India, let's have a look

The Actual scenario: The GRIM state of affairs:::As you are aware when the word Professional comes into the picture we should also look into the true wages of the referees. We looked into the sates Goa, Mumbai, Kerala, Punjab, West Bengal, Manipur etc. to understand the essence of the same. In a normal match, the referee gets a payment of 150-200/_ INR per match. In private league matches the amount increases to 350-500, Yes & that is the correct amount you read. For the Federation approved matches they get 500 Rs if it is within the city or in case of outside the city limit they get a travel allowance. And yes these are the amount the referees get while managing the state A level games or tournament. This amount increases while the ISL is involved, and the amount is almost 15000-20,000 per match where-as referees are concerned. So if a Referee gets to officiate 12 matches he is likely to make 1.8L. And even the junior players get a minimum of 20 times of that amount whether he plays in the final eleven. For stars in the football field, they make whooping 4-5 Crores, and you want the same professionalism, the same dedication from the Referees? Sounds like a cruel joke isn't it?

And out of the referees how many makes it to the Royal ISL stage? Only 11 referees and 12 assistant referees are currently the part of the team which officiate the ISL games. Compare that to any number of players the teams have...And you will start wondering? What is happening?

Are you even aware of the actual profession of these referees? How they make their livelihood throughout the year?    

  1. Pranjal Banerjee one of the FIFA recognised referee works in a private firm and because he could not manage so long leave from Office he could not joins this ISL.
  2. Srikrishna who has been seen officiating in this ISL and many important matches for India was an auto-rickshaw driver even a few years ago. Now he also works as a private firm.
  3. One of the referees who didn't want his name published was actually selling vegetables in the Corona post-Lockdown period to sustain and providing something for his family. 
  4.  Kanika, another name in the FIFA recognised referee list works as an RPF and is known to have the best to be able to take care of her family.

So if these people are so deeply involved even to get livelihood how can they even make progress to provide a better quality of Football? And to think that the AIFF or FSDL or Government body has helped? Yes, Bombay Referee Association has provided loans in the corona period to seven members to the amount of 5000/_/ And you are still thinking why the referees do not get themselves always up to date about the FIFA rules and apply them to the best?

The Picture earlier: In yesterears, AIFF used to have a panel of referees who they used to pay a monthly salary. You had to have many stages to uplift yourself to get into that stage but once you were in that panel you had guaranteed financial security which helped earlier referees to look into the nitty-gritty of technical affairs, get updated, be physically and mentally fit to take on the Big Games, but those are the story of the Yesteryears, and nobody knows why the AIFF abandoned the plan when it was getting a good result.

What the AIFF is thinking to resolve this:
Many people often say that why can't we get Foreign referees to play the ISL where so much money is involved? And in this answer, we agree with AIFF secretary, who said the half-truth saying it, even Foreign referees also makes mistake and that's not a long term solution. He also hinted at the financial angle without divulging the details. 

For a Foreign referee, they have to be paid $450-$500 ( Minimum 30,000/_ INR per day) regardless they have a match or not. And for an Indian one, they spent the half and that also for the matchday only. We are not against saving that money, but Mr Secretary while you are saving a huge amount why not try to spend the half of it in upgrading and bring the lower strata of the referees so that we have a proper solution with financial providence to those people so that we can have good referees in India only. Just because AIFF is proper planning and sustains a proper plan the whole game is being forced to see a bleak day ahead.

How PGMOL is involved? For the First time this year, PGMOL has started the process of involving the referees, coaching them, and making them aware of more technical aspects of each game and they work in tandem with referees in and every match after. So we can expect some good results.

Unless the AIFF or FSDL comes up with a major plan of bringing a financial suitable assurance planning of referees we are going not going to see some rapid changes in this arena at least. and knowing the AIFF & the people at the helm of it, the sorry state of affairs is going to continue for more seasons...

And if are thinking just how many referees are there in the FIFA panel right don't have to guess !!! In a country of billion people we have just 18 yes the number is correct only 18 referees who are in the elite list. Here's the list:

** Updated list from FIFA resources. Fifa Ref list

But while looking at the end of it, whatever you do you cannot look at the obvious degradation of the standard of referring. Over this ISL the refereeing has been scooped to a new low undoubtedly. There have been outbursts from Owen Coyle, Fernando and Robbie Fowler. A Goal was not given which clearly crossed the goal line (JFC against FC Goa and Valskis was the scorer). A goal was denied for the foul on Goalkeeper (SC EastBengal against FC Goa, where the foul was committed by their own player). Corners have been given wrongfully where goals have been scored (Against Jamshedpur FC, Hyderabad FC) and numerous cards have been shown without any reason. It was so bad that IFA had to withdraw one Red Card decision and suspend 2 of the referees from the panel of referees available. But where does it stop? Unless proper steps are taken then noting can be done in this issue.

Though the referees have numerous mess of the game we have seen what AIFF has done!!! They have sacked 2 referred from the ISL List and thought that it is enough to ensure to that the standards will be maintained. Let us see, One of the Referees who officiated in the SC East Bengal & FC Goa match has been suspended indefinitely from officiating any game. But if you look at the complaint SC East Bengal lodged the complaint was against the Red card shown against their captain Danny Fox. And if you look into the scenario, you will find that the referee was actually a little far from the scenario and was given a foul at the first. But then he started discussing with the 4th Official, and it clearly seemed that only after being influenced by that 4th official he showed the Red Card. and that 4th official was not blamed but the referee was blamed....What kind of justice is that. Not only that we have seen the worst refereeing in many matches but when it came to hooliganism on the pitch it was surprisingly on the match between ATKmb & Mumbai City FC. And ATKMB players have literally jabbed payers without the ball and the 4th referee who were supposed to show the cards ( AND IN THIS CASE # STRAIGHT RED) just keep on doing what is a big question. And that particular referee is seen officiating at least 50% of the matches played by ATKMB and it seems always has the interest of the ATKMB players rather than the interest of Football in mind. 

Mumbai City FC has lodged a complaint against the ATKMb players brutality on the pitch and it is to be seen how the AIFF is going to tackle this.  Subhashish, Tiri, Sandesh all the three players committed foul off the ball. And believe us when we say it, that these kinds of play(or nonsense?) if you show them to the players involve later they would also be ashamed of what they did. These are not only is not professionally acceptable but also not humane things to do in the name of the beautiful game known as football. And if a referee can be suspended later-on after viewing the errors they committed why these players will be allowed to go free FSDL & IFA should think off.

But at least with technological help can be taken by the hapless referees when they are found wanting, and which happens in most of the cases. Nobody knows why some particular teams are always been favoured ( as it is evident from the cards shown against that team, and not when that team’s players commit Red Card offence even a Yellow card is not being shown). Even the AFC & FIFA seems o keep a watch on the proceedings of Indian Football, so when a player plays beautifully to enhance the name of ISL, this kind of behaviour not only pushes back the name but also brings a black name on the tournament itself. Whatever step they will take will be a landmark decision and will pave away the way to either tackling the ball with continuous foul play or towards Fair game called Football. Let us wait & watch how it goes...
