Passes win matches ? Myth or True?

You have looked at the Points table, understood where the team stands...but what about the most number of successful passes? For most of the teams in this ISL are preferring to get the hold of the Mid-field and then go for high pressing football it is necessary to understand who dominates the midfield? And to dominate the midfield a7 keep on high pressing the most important part is to keep the ball passing between own players, let us have a look which team has done these successfully...

It is very true that ATK is now( though they have played more matches) at the top of the league but while the number of passes is concerned they are within the bottom 3 positions. This made us curious, and we thought of digging dipper. Though ATK has played more of a counter-attacking football to win games, but that alone could not make them the table topper. There should be something more to it...and yes we checked & found the same. Have a look at the next table & you will understand what it is ...

And one of the reasons lies is the number of saves. ATKMB has the 2nd highest number of saves in this season this ISL and that along with the number of goals scored by them have made them the table topper. In case of the number of goals scored they are the 3rd highest when looked upon the table.

So it is not only the passes which can win you the match but the number of passes along-with the number of Goals scored & the saves made in the game can only give you the total picture!!!
